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Dragons And Marshmallows Zoey And Sassafras
by Asia Citro

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Very cute. I enjoyed the fact that it uses magical creatures to teach science. Yay for a good example of changing one variable at a time. I always have trouble convincing kids on that one in my programs! I also liked addressing the anxiety of her mom being away for the first time and the worries of sudden responsibilities. Even if touched on lightly, this seemed pretty honest about feeling different types of worry, and a little bit on thinking about what you can control is a nice touch. (And even if it wasn't subtle, did stick in what something wants to eat vs what it SHOULD eat, I'd have gone for the marshmallows too.)

Georgia O'keeffe
by Mike Venezia

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Not amazing, but a solid simple biography. I appreciate that he does minimal imagining of thoughts and feelings and has excellent examples of her work.

by James Ponti

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Fast paced, clever, mystery that's as much about friendship as the adventure without slowing down.

Girls With Sharp Sticks
by Suzanne Young

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Depressingly timely. I liked the way the author illustrated different ways in which older men tend to manipulate young women. It added a degree of nuance and extra claustrophobia to the environment. I get that it was trying for a slow build of tightness and fear, but think its length detracted from the acceleration a little.

The Skinnytaste Air Fryer Cookbook
by Gina Homolka

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If you have an air fryer, this cookbook is a must-purchase. Easy, healthy recipes (very Weight Watchers friendly!) are big on taste and interest.

Out Of This World The Surreal Art Of Leonora Carrington
by Michelle Markel

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It drives me nuts when artist biographies don't show any works by the artist. I feel like the biography aspect of this was well written, but just again, the art and lack thereof. The illustrations were lovely and held true to the surrealist aspect, but still. And stylistically they owe more to Peter Max than Leonora Carrington...

Unicorn Quest
by Kamilla Benko

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I had a lot of trouble getting into this one. Both busy and long. Interesting though confusing magic system. Nice to see different types of friend and family relationships. Seems like often the main siblings are brother and sister, so two quite different sisters was a good dynamic.

Rescue And Jessica
by Jessica Kensky

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Torn on this one. It's very sweet, but despite being based on her life, I feel like it really shouldn't be in non-fiction. Even in kid's books I'm not big on non-fiction books putting specific thoughts in people's heads unless those people have written or spoken along those lines. So I'm suuuuper not big on non-fiction books showing animals thinking like people. I'm also iffy on how she turned herself into a tween/teen and glossed entirely over her injuries. It's lovely to have a thoughtful and positive portrayal, and first hand, view, I just wish it had emphasized more on the training and working together and less on an imaginary dog's POV and a quasi-fictional view on her. Two separate books-maybe a more real non-fiction and then a picture book might have been more appropriate here?

The Night Circus
by Erin Morgenstern

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Vivid imagery of a fantastical time and place with colorful characters. A magical circus at turn of the century Europe / Northeastern US. Conjures the feeling of "The Prestige" and Tim Burton films, with two main characters caught in the crosshairs of an epic Game. I enjoyed living in the circus, with all its wondrous tents and entertainers, but fell out of love once the danger and death started to kick in. Couldn't feel strongly about the two main characters falling in love and what happened to them, but I greatly enjoyed the setting and imagery of the book.

by Raina Telgemeier

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First review attempt got error message?! Very much a where the heck was this book when I needed it book. I think it'll be great for the nervous kids out there. Plus, might make the quiet struggles more understandable to the rest of her myriad fans too. I think she's at her best when working from personal experience. Also curious if the emphasis on bodily functions here will make it more popular with boys than her previous titles!