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Book Reviews
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The Okay Witch
by Emma Steinkellner

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I thought it was awfully cute. The pace is a little off, sometimes slow and sometimes galloping, but overall it's charming with a nice message of being yourself with a dash of reclaiming and acknowledging the brokenness of the past. The mayor's heel turn from basically one panel to the next was sudden, I mean, closure is good, but still could have used a bit more there. (I also kind of wish there'd be some kind of acknowledgement of the role of patriarchy in the prosecution of witches beyond the obvious of it being male descendants, but yeah...)

Funny You Don't Look Autistic
by Michael Mccreary

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I listened to the audiobook version of this memoir by Michael McCreary, a 22-year old stand-up comedian who is on the autism spectrum. The book was written in 2019, so it gives recent information on Autism Spectrum Disorders and supplemental graphs and pictures are provided at The author tells his own story of growing up autistic, what behaviors led to his diagnosis as a child and how humor and comedy became a positive outlet for him. The audiobook is 3 hours and 37 minutes and covers a variety of aspects of autism, including the spectrum of developmental disorders, reactions from neurotypical people, social struggles in school and suggestions on how to better communicate and understand some on the autism spectrum. The book is appropriate for anyone age 12 or older and the publisher offers a lesson plan with the option for the book to be taught in a classroom. The lesson plan covers aspects of writing a memoir, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the role of comedy in a person’s life. Parents, family, and friends of an autistic person will find the book offers some insight into what their loved one is experiencing.

Girls With Sharp Sticks
by Suzanne Young

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Depressingly timely. I liked the way the author illustrated different ways in which older men tend to manipulate young women. It added a degree of nuance and extra claustrophobia to the environment. I get that it was trying for a slow build of tightness and fear, but think its length detracted from the acceleration a little.

by Priya Krishna

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Fun, snarky cookbook of "Indian-ish" recipes, with commentary from the author and her parents. A good gateway cookbook to the complexity and wonder of Indian cuisine, also highlighting how recipes and cooking morph and change over time because of circumstance, available ingredients, and other cultural influences.

by James Ponti

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Fast paced, clever, mystery that's as much about friendship as the adventure without slowing down.

Frida Kahlo And Her Animalitos
by Monica Brown

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It's wonderfully illustrated, but not much of a biography. I'm not keen on biographies that make statements about the subject's interior life, or on books about artists that never show examples of the artists work. (Or in general, on books that compare women to animals, even though I get it's meant to be a positive bridge.)

Jasmine Toguchi Mochi Queen
by Michiko Florence

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It's very cute. Follows the age old younger sibling frustrated with older siblings story, but I think it's timeless because so many kids can identify with it. (Heck I can still totally identify with the mean cousin, even if mine was younger...) I think a lot of kids will also identify both the with excitement and frustrations of traditions and family visits. Talking with her neighbor is a transparent but still clever way to sound out and explain words for readers who haven't run into them before. (Also partial to her habit of making collages since that's what one of my last videos was on and I'm hoping to revisit a different aspect in awhile.)

Smash! Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe with the Large Hadron Collider
by Sara Latta

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Graphic format is good for this, but I think given how slim the story framework was I think a straight up comic with more visuals on the concepts and not bothering with the comic book inspiration parts might have worked better. (Also should I worry that I don't really get subatomic physics even when it's in a comic format and aimed at teens?)

Order Of The Majestic
by Matt Myklusch

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There's nothing exactly wrong with it, just wasn't thrilled either. Another white boy savior of the world fantasy with backup characters from 19th century vaguely 'exotic' localities and spellings. Somehow extraordinary long but also very rushed feeling. I do like the introduction of possible interplay between science and magic, wish that'd been more than a last nod. (If you know the cultural refs-Star Wars, Harry Potter, the MCU, you're going to know exactly what's going to happen blow by blow for the ending.)

Dragons And Marshmallows Zoey And Sassafras
by Asia Citro

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Very cute. I enjoyed the fact that it uses magical creatures to teach science. Yay for a good example of changing one variable at a time. I always have trouble convincing kids on that one in my programs! I also liked addressing the anxiety of her mom being away for the first time and the worries of sudden responsibilities. Even if touched on lightly, this seemed pretty honest about feeling different types of worry, and a little bit on thinking about what you can control is a nice touch. (And even if it wasn't subtle, did stick in what something wants to eat vs what it SHOULD eat, I'd have gone for the marshmallows too.)